Mon - Sat 08:00AM - 20:00PM; SUN 14:00PM - 18:00PM +234 803 276 0909, +234 902 909 9349
Trusted By
5000+ Clients
Best Diagnostics Centre
Number #7
Offices across Nigeria

Improved Laboratory Services

We aspire be a beacon of light in medical diagnosis. Light in transparency, compassion, commitment, reliability, in overall, inspiring confidence in our clients, giving them positive mindset to get healthy.

Call : +234 902 909 9349

Opening hours

Book an appointment to see one of our specialist doctors, we are available 24hours a day 7 days a week.

Mon - Sat08:00 - 20:00
Sun14:00 - 18:00

Our Services

Fully Automated Laboratory

Expectations of integrated laboratory automation include consolidation of resources, increased accuracy of preanalytic processes, increased throughput, and improved turnaround time.

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Fully Automated Radiology

Partial automation in radiology refers to the use of computer-assisted diagnostic modalities to automate prioritization. However, the automation at level 2 requires radiologist supervision, and the diagnostic decision is not final without the radiologist's approval.

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Full Comprehensive Checklist

There are many different types of diagnostic tests. Examples include laboratory tests (such as blood and urine tests), imaging tests (such as mammography and CT scan), endoscopy (such as colonoscopy and bronchoscopy), and biopsy. Also called diagnostic procedure.

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Home Services

Many types of blood tests only require a couple of drops of blood, making it possible to collect your own samples at home. When you order an at-home blood test, you'll usually be sent a kit that contains everything you need to get your blood sample, and to ship back your specimen so that it remains safe and sterile.

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Ambulance Services

Our main role is to respond to emergency 999 calls, providing medical care to patients across the capital, 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. Other services we offer include providing pre-arranged patient transport and finding hospital beds.

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Emergency Services

Emergency Response Services (sometimes called First Responders) are the public, private and volunteer organizations that respond to incidents that threaten the safety and wellbeing of people in their area.

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0 +
Offices in Nigeria
Satisfied Clients
Years of Experience
Winning Awards

Our Expertise

Modern Ultrasound Diagnosis

Top Notch Ultrasound Diagnosis provided by highly skilled and experienced sonographers. Real time 4D imaging with instant Consultant reported Xray.

Make an appointment

We will send you a confirmation within 24 hours.
Call +234 803 276 0909

Diagnostics Clinic Introduction

See Video Introduction

Why Choose Us

Listen from real patients

Our Mission

Our Objectives

Our Vision

Accomplish Your Health Goals

About Us

We have continued to expand and grow, extending our reach through excellent services, innovation, total quality management, resourcefulness, integrity and teamwork as we continue in our desire to inspire confidence in you with our work.

Why Us

Top notch Ultrasound diagnosis provided by highly skilled and experienced sonographers. Real time 4D imaging with instant Consultant reported Xray.

Our innovation

Inspiring Confidence. To deliver the best diagnostic results that will be used for treatment that ultimately culminate to healthy clients.

Our Vision

We aspire be a beacon of light in medical diagnosis. Light in transparency, compassion, commitment, reliability, in overall, inspiring confidence in our clients, giving them positive mindset to get healthy.


Radiology began in 1895, when Wilhelm Rontgen accidentally discovered x-rays, which is a type of radiation that can penetrate most solid objects. The German physicist was studying what happened when he passed an electrical current through different gases at low pressure.

Historical Facts About RadiologyRADIOLOGY

Best Monitoring System

Laboratory monitoring systems help to ensure the steps conducted by lab staff are consistent and correct, and that reporting is accurate. They collect multiple data points over time, so that if there are any issues with results, an anomaly can be pinpointed or ruled out.

Quality System Essentials

Decisions on the choice of equipment have to be evidence-based. The laboratory maintains an inventory of all the equipment and schedules maintenance activities to ensure optimum functionality.

Experience Of Clinical Staff

Our Diagnostics Centres comprises a team of highly experienced professionals with specialization in laboratory and diagnostics services.